
  • how to take a person’s aether out of them? (probably not possible)
  • how does the crystal tower work exactly? → will not be necessary for the treatment (unless if G’raha really wants to off himself)
    • how did they capture eldibus again?
  • how much is the light-infused aether bound to his life force? → tempering + halric
  • how would rune be aether-less?
    • how did thancred lose his aether?
  • what are the symptoms of aether sickness and how does it come about? → doesn’t matter lol
  • can’t forcibly cause aether to stagnate (some endwalker shit) → doesn’t matter either
  • how does alisaie’s treatment for tempering work again?


  • Tempering can affect a person both mentally and physically.
    • In Rune’s case, he was overexposed to the extremely light-infused aether of the 5 Lightwardens. **Does that count as a kind of tempering?**→ Check aether corruption, aether sickness, corrupted crystals
      • YES → Halric = Ga Bu; the corruption of one’s aether by the sin eaters is a kind of tempering in its own right in the First.
  • Tempering can be resisted by strength of will, which the WoL has lots of. Even though the being’s aether is imposed against the person’s own, they don’t necessarily have to become “brainwashed” as other tempered normally do
    • EX: Tiamat, Fandaniel, Lahabrea
  • TITANIA → Titania keeps some semblance of their mind d/t their strength of will. Therefore, Rune’s situation is very similar to Titania’s, just worse bc of the amount of aether he had absorbed from the other Lightwardens.
    • However, this doesn’t mean that Rune’s will is able to slow down the changes, since events in Shadowbringers show that it isn’t possible.
    • This means that with extensive treatment of tempering reversal, there’s a chance of bringing Rune back from the brink.


Rune’s whole issue with becoming a Lightwarden is very similar to tempering and the treatments they formulate for the tempering may help cure him. After the whole process, however, he retains his changed appearance.

Treatment for tempering

AU Notes

  • Rune becomes the Warrior of Darkness in Axi’s stead d/t her having her children already.
  • Feo-Ul, Ryne, and Y’shtola would be the ones overseeing his treatment.
    • Feo-Ul, as the King of the Fairies, would have enough strength and aether to hold Rune at bay and will have to restrain him during the course of several weeks, if not months.
      • Dude will probably lose his shit Azula style oh god
  • Axi at first begins to break and Rune immediately steps in and goes “no no no, give it to me, stop it”
    • The two have a very intense shouting match in The Pendants that only G’raha and Thancred are privy to with G’raha finding out by seeing them through his mirror and Thancred finding out through the door of the room and deciding to come back later after hearing the revelation that Axi was pregnant. Meanwhile, Ardbert is stuck between the two trying to stop them for arguing.
    • Axi eventually acquiesces and transfers the aether over to Rune who immediately shows symptoms of the overabundance of aether.

Axi: You don’t get to make this decision for me! Rune: You have a CHILD Thancred/G’raha: SHE HAS A WHAT Ardbert: Guys please- Axi/Rune: NOT NOW ARDBERT G’raha: WHO???

Thancred’s condition

  • Didn’t actually lose his aether and instead is “locked out” of being able to use his own aether d/t the Lifestream warping his aether so badly
    • Therefore his aether is still a part of him. Most likely if a person’s aether is separated from them, they will die
      • Concepts of corporeal and incorporeal aether

