A deeper look into Rune and Adra’s relationship, and more about Adra in particular.

  • After the events at the First, Rune seeks out mentors of the Dark to find a balance with his aether and finds teachers in Fray (DRK) and a voidsent (RPR).
  • While Ardbert had helped in the stabilization of his soul, the weight of all Lightwardens’ aether is still present.
    • Ultimately, with the Warrior of Light’s blessing, the Lightwardens’ essence was able to be contained, allowing night to return and sending the sin eaters to retreat. However, the amount of Light proved too much for the Warrior to contain alone. The extreme amount of light threatened to turn them into a powerful Lightwarden themselves, one powerful enough to bring about the end of the First. It was only Ardbert, the First’s Warrior of Light, sacrificing himself by merging his soul with his Source counterpart, that such a fate did not come to pass, stabilizing the Warrior’s soul. → on Lightwardens
  • He learns the ways of Dark Knights, but find that what they teach isn’t exactly what he’s looking for. During his research, he comes across mentions of Reapers and makes a gamble in making a pact with a voidsent, despite the warnings of Y’shtola who he sought counsel with initially.

The contract

  • In exchange for balancing his Light-aspected aether with Dark, the voidsent gets fed aether in exchange.
    • Initially, Rune’s overabundance of Light-aspected aether was not allowed to be consumed due to potential imbalances it may cause, but eventually he acquiesced after finding that it had some positive effects on Adra in humanizing them a little more, very similarly to Zero’s case.
      • It was decided that they could only consume such aether in very little increments for the safety of both parties. However, such consumption is severely restricted and not at all given freely.

The voidsent

  • Initially without a name, the two ruminate on names before eventually deciding on the name Adra.
  • APPEARANCE → They can choose to look any way they like once they have been given enough aether that they are able to alter their appearance at will. Initially, they appear to be an Elezen woman with violet hair and golden eyes, but this look isn’t necessarily what they looked like when they were still a human.
    • The appearances they choose are from the combinations of different aethers consumed in the past. Perhaps the violet-haired woman was one such person whose aether was consumed and now makes up the voidsent that Adra is today.
      • If fed with enough of his aether, they can probably make themself look like Rune, too.
      • At one point, Adra transforms into a Viera – almost the spitting image of his former Warder master, with the only exception being that this Viera in particular appeared to be older. This threw Rune for a loop; he saw Thurin die before his eyes, so that must mean…
    • The only time the others can see Adra’s more mortal-like form is when Rune is Enshrouded.
    • AVATAR FORM → In their avatar form, they have wings (as a reference to Nemesis), but the feathers are torn to shreds.
  • PERSONALITY → In keeping with how voidsent generally are, Adra was initially ravenous in regards to consuming aether and was rather greedy about it at first. It was only when realizing how much attempting to consume Light-aspected aether – and lots of it – absolutely hurt that they decide to consume it in increments instead. Even then, it’s still a lot to “eat,” considering the Lightwardens’ combined aether is so incredibly dense. Their appetite is also similarly sated with ambient aether once they live more in the Source as Rune’s Avatar.
    • Despite their ravenous nature as a voidsent, their personality is more on the calmer side compared to others. They still hold a dangerous streak and will not hesitate to consume others if it meant that they can become stronger. They are also remarkably patient – patient enough to teach Rune the ways of wielding dark-aspected aether, that is. In many ways, they are a mirror of Rune’s personality, and the reason why the two are able to work together very well.
      • Their similar ways of thinking also presents an issue where it’s a bit of an echo chamber, as the two end up agreeing on a lot of things. Even so, Rune still has the perspective of a being from the Source, and is able to pull himself back from Adra’s otherwise more… extreme measures of thinking.

The meaning of Adra

When looking at names of voidsent, I noticed that they don’t necessarily have to be in Italian. The names of the Archfiends working under Golbez all refer to demons in the Divine Comedy. One voidsent is literally named Arachne so I suppose their names can come from anywhere.

  • Adrasteia (Ancient Greek) – meaning “inescapable”; an epithet of Nemesis, the Greek goddess of “indignation against, and retribution for, evil deeds and undeserved good fortune”
    • See nemesis for more information on the goddess.
    • The theme of retribution:
      • Nemesis provides balance to Tyche’s good fortune. This goes along with Rune’s decision to take on a voidsent mentor to balance out the excess Light aether after the events in the First.
      • Honestly goes with Rune’s Lightwarden name as “Forgiven Retribution” too which is neat
      • Rune learns how to become a Reaper via Adra.
        • Reapers in lore came about from the Garleans forming pacts with voidsent due to their inability to manipulate aether. In the past, Reapers were used as assassins for the Garlean Empire – delivering retribution to their enemy by their own means.
      • Nemesis also works as dark ≠ evil, the same way that Nemesis isn’t an evil goddess. In the same way, Reapers are also not inherently evil.
    • Will shorten it to “Adra” instead.

Other names once considered

  • Nasha (various) – judge, born during the rainy season (?), intoxication
  • Ione (Ancient Greek) – violet flower; name of a a sea nymph in Greek mythology
