• Stock: the things that stick around, like published books, etc.
  • Flow: tweets, ephemeral stuff
  • don’t really vibe with it
    • has the “content creator” mindset that I don’t really subscribe (lol) to
  • I’m not really looking to actively share what “stock” I have – I just put it out there as a digital garden as a kind of way to keep myself going with this kind of thing. Accountability isn’t really the right word for it, but same idea
  • What is my stock?
    • This digital garden?? My art? My site??? My writing??
    • A sketchbook vs a published novel (or whatever that guy published that was mentioned in the essay)
  • What is my flow?
    • I don’t really have one except for my tumblr which shall not be named. And that barely even counts since what’s on there pertains to my interests but not about my actual personal stuff
